Friday, 25 September 2015

Taonga from our Kids, to our Kids

Our children pulled together and planted our native garden today. It was a Team effort and the result of their inquiry learning into the diminishing number of native and endemic birds in New Zealand.

The inquiry was inspired from our visit to Zealandia, Wellington, earlier in the year, where the children learnt about the efforts of the Sanctuary to preserve our unique wildlife.

Our children prepared design proposals (shared earlier) and worked together with the rest of Team 3. The native garden is a special taonga for Mahora School; and our children hope to return in years to come and see the endemic wildlife that their garden attracts.

Big thanks to our PTA for their support, Steve Cave from HB Regional Council for his expertise, the Native Plant Nursery Taupo for supplying the plants, and to Bernie and Jasmine for their help with planting today.

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